Root Canal Retreatment Services in Midtown Atlanta

What is root canal retreatment?

Root canal retreatment is a procedure that is done when a previous root canal treatment has failed, or if there is a new infection in the tooth.

Root canal retreatment may be needed if the original filling or seal was not done properly, if there was a new infection or injury to the tooth, or if the tooth was not properly restored after the initial treatment. 

Retreatment is considered a more complex procedure than a traditional root canal treatment and requires a skilled clinician.

The root canal retreatment process

The process involves reopening the tooth that had previously been treated, removing any remaining infected or damaged pulp, cleaning the inside of the tooth, and then resealing it with a new filling material. 

Retreatment is considered a more complex procedure than a traditional root canal treatment and requires a skilled endodontic.

Why Choose Zentooth for Root Canal Retreatment Services?

We offer expert root canal retreatment services designed to relieve pain and preserve your natural teeth.

Let us help you reclaim your oral health and well-being.

Your path to better oral health is just a click away.

Schedule your dental appointment online or call us (404-885-1441) for any queries!